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US Congressional Elections (Q&A)

Question: The Republican Party secured control of the US House of Representatives, with a simple majority in the 435-member House of Congress, “it won at least 218 seats, according to estimates by CBS News, the BBC’s US partner…” (BBC, November 17, 2022). and as for the Democrats, they celebrated, “Sunday, when the party retained a simple majority in the US Senate …” (Al-Jazeera, 14 November 2022). Local media in most countries of the world were reporting the news of the elections for the US Congress (Representatives and Senate).

So how can it be understood that local events in America become a major event around the world, when not much attention is paid to similar events in other countries? Or how can it be understood that America requires its clients and dependents to pay attention to its internal events in order to make it an international issue similar to Britain, whose clients’ media transmit trivial news about its kings, their marriages, their children, and so on? Or is it that these elections have a real impact around the world?


Answer: Yes, Britain asks its agents and followers to pay attention to trivial matters in Britain, out of the deep and great sense of greatness of the British, as if what was called in the past the empire upon which the “sun does not set” still exists today. In the case of Britain, this is out of the sense of reviving its bygone sense of greatness. As for America, the matter is completely different. To clarify this, we seek to present the following:


  1. To understand the impact of American internal events on the international arena, we refer to what US President Biden said that, it must be noted that Russia waited for the results of the US Congressional elections, before it began its withdrawal from Kherson (Al-Jazeera, 11/11/2022). And we also refer to Saudi Arabia’s decision through “OPEC Plus” cut oil production by two million barrels per day, until global prices rose and the American citizen was anxious over fuel prices locally. So he refrained from electing Democrats and went for electing Republicans. And it is not possible until this moment to confirm whether China’s closures under the pretext of Coronavirus, are for real reasons, or out of support for the president’s party Biden electorally, and this is what the coming days can reveal.

In sum, the midterm elections of 8/11/2022 represented a major international event. and it is even sufficient to say that any vibration that occurs inside America, can shake other regions around the world. So it is not appropriate to underestimate the importance of these American elections internationally. What makes this importance is very clear. The administration of former President Trump revealed a very sharp division within America, the people, government, parties and financial companies. For all of this, the world was watching out for what the results of the US Congressional elections could cause.


  1. In the most prominent and largest capitalist country in the world, America, the political system has made competition exclusively between two parties, each of which relies on capitalist companies, to win the elections! And the clearest indication that it is the large capitalist companies and not the people, is that the companies’ spending on supporting candidates for the US Congressional elections, in both houses this year was about $ 17 billion. It was reported that, “the United States appears on all occasions to present a contradictory model, at a time when the country suffers from historic inflation, spending on propaganda for the midterm elections reached a record level, an American organization revealed a record number for the cost of the midterm elections in the United States for the year 2022, which exceeded $16.7 billion.” (Sky News Arabia, 11/13/2022). This is equivalent to the budget of some countries in Africa and elsewhere.

And from this it appears clear that the capitalists in America, the owners of large companies, are the ones who direct the American people to elect so-and-so and not anyone else. The American elections outwardly are that sovereignty belongs to the people, but inwardly sovereignty is for large corporations, that alone can spend hundreds of millions of dollars to support a specific candidate. It is even said that politicians in America choose their voters, and not the other way around. This is established by the fact that whoever raises the slogan of freedom of abortion wants a majority of women to elect him, and whoever raises the slogan of defending immigration targets the minorities to elect him, and whoever raises racist slogans targets white Americans to elect him, and so on.


  1. The control by finance and companies has always been the case in America, but the era of former President Trump’s administration has revealed sharp changes taking place inside America. These changes were most prominently seen within the intense competition between major companies, which is no longer a sporting, gentlemanly competition, as it was in the past. It is heating up. Its temperature has increased until it reached, or almost reached, a boiling point. The greed of the capitalists does not allow peaceful coexistence, in light of the conflicting interests between these capitalists. At that time the intense capitalist competition between companies moved to a state of bone-breaking between the politicians, representing the interests of those companies. In general, the capitalists are divided into two factions so far. There is a faction dominated by technology companies and represented by the US Democratic Party. There is another faction dominated by oil and energy companies and represented by the US Republican Party. And these two factions field candidates for furthering division, according to the interests of the large companies that stand behind so-and-so, as well as according to the US state in which the interests of those companies are based. It should be noted that the American oil and energy companies represented the jewel of American capitalism for decades. So, they had great influence inside America and a great influence abroad. So the oil wars and the policies of extending pipelines between countries, and building giant tankers, that brought these companies great influence and great profits.

However, in the recent two decades, technology companies leaped to prominence. Their capital witnessed a sky-rocketing rise until the capital of some of them exceeded, in less than two decades, the capital of some oil and energy companies, which they accumulated over nearly a century. There was a rise in the severity of this problem, which increased exponentially during the Coronavirus period. Then, the policy of lockdown deprived the oil companies of a lot of profits, such that the price of oil sometimes reached negative rates. This is whilst the leaps in technology companies increased, when people sat in their homes communicating with each other, and did their work through communication devices and computers, whilst commercial and financial transactions increased through these companies, such as the control of the American company “Amazon” which controlled many sectors of trade, and turned them into electronic commerce, with home delivery of goods. These huge leaps coincided with the rise of the Trump. And here the fire of conflict flared up between the losing and profiting major companies, until the intensity reached attempts to break each other’s bones. And because these companies implement what they want through politicians, these politicians have been sharply divided.


  1. The division has increased in the American states, so states controlled by Democrats enacted laws against oil companies. California issued a policy of zero emissions and reliance entirely on electric cars by 2035, while states such as Texas, which are controlled by Republicans, and behind them the oil companies that control the state, moved to blacklist “green” companies, meaning those that adopt a policy of reducing emissions. The legislation of the division increased when the states controlled by the Republicans began dividing the electoral districts, and issuing laws to ensure their control over the state, in any upcoming elections, such as laws that restrict voting by mail, favored by supporters of the Democrats. This is whilst the states controlled by the Democrats also began dividing the electoral districts and issuing laws such as facilitating voting by mail to ensure that the Republicans do not have access to these states.

This is in addition to the cultural division. It features the inclusion of a culture of “race theory” in the school curricula in the states controlled by the Republicans, and the dissemination of a culture against immigration and immigrants there. On the other hand, the culture of freedom of abortion is spread in the states controlled by the Democrats, considering that it is against the conservative view of the Republicans. This is as well as spreading the culture of welcoming immigrants in Democratic states. Thus the American states were divided into “red states” controlled by the Republicans, who are dominated by white Americans and “blue states” controlled by the Democrats, that bring together most of the immigrant communities with them. This means that the division moved to taking on an ethnic character. And this division became permanent. Increasingly, politicians in the states are hurtling towards maximizing contentious issues!


  1. America, along with the world’s governments, was monitoring the outcome of the midterm elections for the US Congress, according to its interests. On the one hand, Russia was waiting for the “Trump group” to hinder the great American support provided by the Biden administration to Ukraine, if this group had won… and Europe, especially Germany, was fears the impact of the “Trump group” on America’s standing with Europe to repel Russia’s expansionist tendencies… China may also fear the influence of America’s recklessness against China, or the nuclear arming of South Korea and Japan… As for America’s agents in the Islamic region, some of whom, like Saudi Arabia, see that the “Trump group” is better for them than the “Biden group,” and some of them believe the opposite. It is true that these elections are not presidential, but they were described as presidential. Moreover, they are a great indicator of the upcoming presidential elections in 2024. Due to the high inflation in America, including the rise in fuel prices, a favorable atmosphere prevailed for the Republican Party to make a clean sweep. This is what the opinion polls predicted and what was promoted in the media. To a degree, this frightened the Democrats from what was called a “sweeping red wave,” meaning that the electoral conditions were entirely in favor of the Republicans. However, the results that have emerged so far constitute a blow to opinion polls and the media outlets, even though some of those media outlets were on the side of the Democrats, which expected a “sweeping red wave.” Former President Trump was traveling between states to support Republican candidates, as if it were a presidential election campaign. And in return, the Democrats used campaigns carried out by the current President Biden, and former ones such as Obama and Clinton in the hope of “stopping the red wave” that he thought was imminent. However, this wave did not materialize. Instead, the election result indicates that the Republican Party has secured control of the US House of Representatives by a simple majority in the 435-member House of Representatives, “it won at least 218 seats, according to estimates by CBS News, BBC partner in US TV.” (BBC, November 17, 2022). As for the Democrats, they “celebrated on Sunday that the party retained a simple majority in the US Senate … and the Democrats currently have 50 seats, in addition to the voice of US Vice-President Kamala Harris, who heads the House of Representatives in the Senate, compared to 49 for the Republicans. One seat remains undecided in the Senate elections, pending the run-off in the state of Georgia scheduled for December 6, through which the Democrats can also strengthen their majority.” (Al Jazeera, 14/11/2022). These results are contrary to all expectations and surveys!


  1. Upon scrutiny, we find the states that are controlled by the Republicans, and in which there is a Republican governor and the majority of local congressmen and senators in the state are Republicans, have remained Republican. The Democratic Party has not been able to achieve any significant influence in them, with small exceptions, such as the increase in the number of immigrants, especially from Latin America into Texas, such that some of its congressmen, and they are few, are Democrats. However, almost complete control over Texas remains for the Republicans. This is vice versa in those states that are controlled by Democrats. This division appears to be deep and entrenched. This is whilst some states remained the subject of conflict between the two parties and they are called “swing states,” such as Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

Perhaps the result of the elections, which contradicted all traditional expectations, and violated opinion polls and normal analysis of the election process, indicates that the American states that Washington DC gathers together, are no longer the united states, that they were in the past. The divergent interests of the large companies that stand behind the two parties may heat up sharply in the “swing states,” because of the control of one party over any of them in these elections. The enactment of new laws within them against the other party, and the spread of a culture counter to the other party, drags the state further away from the other party. This may not be accepted by the losing party. Sparks of violence can emanate from these “swing states, which leads the country to more violence, thus confusing the country’s foreign policy.  Indeed, it has been confused since now. Saudi Arabia’s alignment with the “Trump group,” regarding oil cuts, was a dangerous indication of this trend. This deep division is the most apparent matter revealed by these elections, as the two parties are almost equal in strength. New circumstances such as price hikes do not affect their strength. Nervousness was evident in the elections, as some of the “Trump group” candidates were even campaigning women, with guns on their shoulders. Perhaps the coming days will reveal more divergence and the legislation of divergence between states, and an increasing flight of non-whites from areas controlled by the Republican Party, in which “race theory” is promoted.


  1. Based on the reality of what happened in the elections, some light can be shed on what follows the outcome of the midterm US Congressional elections, as follows:

7a. While America seems devoid of sane people who can bridge the gap, between the two conflicting parties over power in Washington, and while the Americans show more nervousness in loyalty and political alignments, President Biden’s administration in the next two years is on the verge of more obstacles that Republican states can put in place in the “red states,” as well as the House of Representatives, and all of this leads the state to more attention and preoccupation with its internal conditions at the expense of its focus on foreign policy.

As for Trump, it seemed before the elections that Donald Trump had imposed his control over the entire Republican Party, but after the election result was announced, it appeared that some of the candidates supported by Trump had failed, though some of them succeeded. This may create difficulty for Trump in the elections, if he ran for US president, for a second time, in the name of the Republican Party…

7b. Since the large American companies that stand behind the Republican Party have significant international influence, which was revealed by Saudi Arabia’s decision to reduce oil production, the symptoms of the division in America’s international influence are liable to increase. This weakens America internationally, and this is something that cannot be underestimated. The weakness appeared earlier when the contacts of former Secretary of State John Kerry, a Democrat, weakened the Trump administration’s raised pressure policies against Iran. The Republicans responded to that, during the Democratic Biden administration, by instigating Saudi Arabia to reduce oil production, which weakened the pressure of the Biden administration on Russia… This makes America’s international influence divided. Its international interests are divided into interests of the Republicans and those of the Democrats. A circle of common strategic interests remains, such as combating Russia and China, but they can still differ in the modalities and sub-policies to achieve those.

7c. The Biden administration still has two full years to put pressure on Russia regarding Ukraine. Even if America opens the door to negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, America will continue to put pressure on Russia to give up all its Ukrainian gains in the short term. Russia will remain under the massive sanctions imposed on it until America has other gains outside the Ukrainian arena, such as ensuring that Russia’s nuclear weapons do not pose a threat to America. It seems that this is the policy during the Biden era. Without Biden achieving these gains, Russia will remain isolated from the Western world and its dependencies, and its economy will remain crumbling and unable to stand.

7d. The Biden administration succeeded, by intimidating China from supporting Russia, in practically distancing China from Russia, regardless of the empty Chinese and Russian statements about the strength of their relationship. Such statements do not change the reality of the matter. This distancing process has not yet been completed. This is although Russia feels strongly that China has let it down and abandoned it in the face of America and the NATO countries, that provide great military support to Ukraine, whilst imposing heavy economic sanctions on Russia.

7e. The Western European countries were afraid of any form of Trump’s return to power, whether through his return to the presidency again, or through his group’s control of Congress. This is because he has been adopting a policy that NATO was an outdated alliance, and that Europe’s military power was weak and unable to confront Russia’s expansionist policy. Western Europe was pleased with the return of the Biden administration to Europe. Also, the American gas companies embarrassed the Biden administration, when they provided American gas as a substitute for Russian gas to Europe at prices that were four times higher than their American prices, and the European countries protested… Likewise, President Biden himself criticized these companies, which he said made astronomical profits during the war in Ukraine. He threatened to impose additional taxes on its profits. Of course Biden was criticizing the rise in oil prices domestically because the rise in prices in Europe does not concern him much. Moreover, the American policy led by Biden regarding an axis with Germany, leads to the dismantling of Europe. It is similar to the policy of former President Trump in an axis over “Brexit Britain,” to strike the unity of Europeans.


8- In conclusion, it has been shown how the midterm US Congressional elections have many internal and external dimensions and connotations. It has also been shown how America’s hegemony have made the elections a global event, that most countries of the world care about, in terms of their impact on America’s foreign policy. This is not similar to Britain’s internal events, where Britain demands one of her agents shows media interest, out of its hunger for greatness.

This is how the states that are called “great,” really are. This is how the importance of their internal events appears. When Allah (swt) permits the establishment of the Islamic state and the Islamic Ummah takes its path to influence the world, bringing them guidance, then any event, small or large among Muslims, will become of high political and media significance to the kafir countries, examined and analyzed for its effects upon them. In any case, the “great” kafir countries already care about every small and large matter in the Islamic world. They are alert regarding the Islamic movements. So the media subservient to them promotes some of these movements, which they call “moderate.” They also try to distance the Ummah from sincere movements. These kafir countries take great account of the sincere movements of Muslims, so they monitor them and demand that their agents stop them. This is before the establishment of the Islamic State, the Khilafah State. So how will the kuffar be, when the Islamic Ummah and its mighty energies come under a sincere and aware leadership, that works to please its Lord (swt) and serve the interests of its Ummah? Then the Ummah will return to its glory, whilst the frailty of these so-called “great” states will be made apparent. Allah (swt) said, ﴿وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنْقَلَبٍ يَنْقَلِبُون﴾ “The wrongdoers will come to know what evil end they will meet. [TMQ Surah ash-Shu’araa 26:227]

25 Rabi’ al-Akhir 1444 AH

19/11/2022 CE