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Tim Walz: Continuing “Pro-Israel” Policies

Kamala Harris’s selection of Tim Walz as her running mate affirms the Democratic Party’s strong support for the Zionist Entity. As Vice President, Walz will maintain the full support of the Zionist Entity, no different than Joe Biden.

“Israel is our truest and closest ally in the region, with a commitment to values of personal freedoms and liberties, surrounded by a pretty tough neighborhood.”

Tim Walz

Walz’s Record on the Zionist Entity and the Zionist Community

Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, has a long history of supporting the Zionist Entity. His selection as the vice-presidential candidate reinforces the Democratic Party’s commitment to the Zionist Entity. Steve Hunegs, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC), praises Walz, stating, “He’s a presence and well familiar in the community, and strongly supportive of Jewish community interests and a powerful United States-Israel relationship.”

Legislative Support for the Zionist Entity

Walz’s voting record in Congress solidifies full support of the Zionist Entity regardless of all the crimes she has done. He consistently supported aid to the Zionist Entity, including voting for weapons funding. Additionally, Walz has openly stated that failing to recognize the state of “Israel” equates to antisemitism. At a JCRC event, he remarked, “The failure to recognize the state of Israel is taking away that self-determination. So it is antisemitic.”

Zionist Community’s Positive Reaction

The Zionist community has reacted positively to Walz’s nomination. Morris Allen, Rabbi Emeritus at Beth Jacob Congregation, said, “It’s a good choice for those of us who care deeply about the American political scene for democracy, and it’s a good choice for those of us who care deeply about Israel.” This endorsement reflects the trust and confidence the Zionist community places in Walz’s leadership and his ‘pro-Israel’ stance.

“It’s a good choice for those of us who care deeply about the American political scene for democracy, and it’s a good choice for those of us who care deeply about Israel.”

Rabbi Emeritus

Historical Context: Bipartisan Support for Israel

Both the Democratic and Republican parties have shown unwavering support for the Zionist Entity over the decades. This bipartisan backing has led to policies providing the Zionist Entity with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military aid and diplomatic protection. The United States has consistently vetoed UN resolutions critical of the Zionist Entity and has provided it with advanced military technology. The continuous support has enabled the Zionist Entity to oppress Palestinians and kill Muslims with full protection from the United States.

Continuity in the Democratic Party’s Support for the Zionist Entity

Walz’s candidacy signifies that the Democratic Party’s support for the Zionist Entity remains strong and unwavering. His record, statements, and actions align with the ‘pro-Israel’ policies of the Biden administration, guaranteeing continuity in the party’s foreign policy. The world can expect that under a Harris-Walz administration, the ‘US-Israel’ relationship will remain strong, reflecting the longstanding commitment of the Democratic Party to the Zionist Entity’s protection by providing weapons and diplomatic cover for her crimes.

Tim Walz’s selection as Kamala Harris’s running mate does not alter the Democratic Party’s stance on the Zionist Entity. His extensive record of supporting the Zionist Entity demonstrates his unwavering commitment. As Vice President, Walz will continue to uphold and advance the ‘pro-Israel’ policies of the current administration, guaranteeing that the relationship between the United States and the Zionist Entity remains strong and providing the genocidal Zionist Entity with the weapons she needs to continue to spill the blood of Muslims.

Warning to Muslims: Do Not Be Fooled by Changing Candidates

Muslims must not be deceived by the changing faces in political offices. The candidates openly support the Zionist entity, and history shows that both the Democratic and Republican parties unwaveringly support of the genocidal Zionist Entity. Over the past decades, certain Muslim groups and leaders have urged the Muslim community to vote for the Democratic Party, believing it would aid Muslims abroad. This misguided thinking has only worsened the situation. Obama supported tyrants in the Arab World during the Arab Spring, used drones to kill thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and employed the FBI to infiltrate masjids and spy on Muslims.

Reflect on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: “The believer is not stung from the same hole twice” (Bukhari). It is crucial to remember this wisdom and not be misled by political promises that do not align with the interests of the Muslim community.