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The Shackles on the Ummah: The Fight for the Blessed Land

Over the past few days we have witnessed yet another massacre of the Muslims in Palestine and the unhinged violence of the Zionist entity. Their venom against the Ummah knows no bounds and the brutality of our oppressor never ceases to diminish. As the Ummah protests from the East to the West, the global powers continue their unwavering support of the Zionist entity. Worse still is the Muslim rulers who have shackled the Ummah and continue to protect the Zionist entity.

We see the Ummah across the world expressing their love for Masjid Al-Alqsa, expressing anger against the Zionist and showing solidarity with Muslims in Palestine. We have seen massive protests, boycotts, collection of charity, duas, lobbying of Western governments and the UN to stop the Zionist aggression. However, the brutal occupation continues and the blood of the Ummah continues to flow.

It is imperative we have the correct understanding of the true Islamic solution and the method to achieve it. Join us to discuss the vital solution for Palestine that will truly shackle the colonial outpost Zionist entity and liberate the Ummah.

Date:  Sun May 23, 2021
Time:  6PM CST

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Live Stream 2:  https://youtube.com/HizbutTahrirAmerica