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The Lame Duck visits a Mosque

lame duck
noun: lame duck; plural noun: lame ducks; modifier noun: lame-duck
an official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.
     "as a lame duck, the president had nothing to lose by approving the deal"
an ineffectual or unsuccessful person or thing.

A year from now a new President will take office in the United States and for the existing period (the last year) the current President is a “lame duck”.  The last year involves giving presidential pardons to the 1% who were caught red handed like people who have been found guilty of tax evasion, bank fraud, wire fraud, espionage, drug smuggler.  The other main focus on the last year of a sitting president is to finalize his “image”.

The public tends to remember your last actions versus previous actions.  Former President Jimmy Carter who shared one of the lowest approval ratings in American history was last known for ending the “Iran Hostage Crisis”, which was done the day the Reagan took office.  The elite members of the US President club need the satisfaction on how they will be talked about in the history books.

Obama made his fist trip to the mosque on February 3, 2016, 8 years after becoming President.  He has nothing to lose, except his “legacy”.  The photo op was used to document a “historical moment” for his legacy, but Muslims in America have a different view of his legacy during his 8 years in the White House to include:

  • More FBI entrapment programs targeting Muslims in the Obama administration compared Bush 43
  • Increase of FBI/LEA (law enforcement agency) visits/harassment on Muslims in America
  • Adding thousands of Muslims in America on the Terror Watch List that have no connections to terrorism
  • Increase of surveillance by FBI/NSA
  • Extrajudicial killing of US Citizens (Anwar Al-Awlaki) without any due process
  • Hosting Ramadan iftars at the White House with the Israeli Ambassador being a guest, and telling the Muslim guest, Israel has the right to destroy Gaza.
  • List can go on for awhile …..

The majority of Muslims will not be fooled by photo op opportunity of a lame duck President trying to create a legacy of a peacemaker.

And when it is said to them: “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say: “We are only peacemakers.” (TMQ 2:11)