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Terrorist Terrorizing Muslims in the West

Recent high profile tragedies have beset the Muslim communities in the US and UK, with the British media calling the attack on the Finsbury Park masjid as a terrorist act.

These events serve to highlight the following:

1. Terrorism knows no color, race, creed or religion; something which the Muslims have consistently stated against the backdrop of the disingenuous government narrative equating terrorism to Islam

2. Muslims have been insulted, assaulted and attacked in the past and what is occurring seems to be an escalation, but now with brashness and confidence. The driver behind this escalation must be understood clearly: governmental policies (domestic and foreign); twisted and irresponsible narratives that feed society and stir hate; the flawed value of freedom of speech that is used as freedom to insult and abuse; and political leaderships that through speech and action legitimise hate against communities, in particular the Muslims

3. Secularism by its nature is discriminatory and divisive since it is predicated on man, with all his prejudices and limitations, being sovereign. Communities and nations in the past have experienced this, under colonialism and/or as minorities (Jews, Afro-Caribbeans, Asians, Hispanics, etc…). Secularism cannot solve the problem of hate, racism, Islamophobia and the like; it only breeds them

4. The political mileage that these governments may achieve in appeasing the Muslim community from these tragic incidents should not allow them to wash their blood stained hands of the state sponsored terrorism committed upon the Muslim ummah and the wider world (Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Burma, Palestine, Africa and beyond – all which is financed, armed and supported by the likes of the US and UK government) in the pursuit of their interests, paramount of which is to prevent the return of the Islamic system, the Khilafah

5. As always, the Muslims seek to understand, act and respond to these events according to Islam. Likewise, these tragic incidents, remind the Muslims of the challenges that lay ahead and that until they have the Islamic political system, the Khilafah, to represent and protect them, these challenges and insecurities will remain; and humanity remains deprived of a just alternative…Islam