Protest outside of the Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington DC for the Rohingya Muslims

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Protest outside of the Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington DC for immediate ‎response to help the Rohingya Muslims:
Many gathered outside the Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington, D.C. to protest ‎against the lack of response from the Bangladesh Government to help their Muslim ‎brothers and sisters who are being raped, killed, and tortured by the hands of ‎murderous monks and nationalist with the full acknowledgement of the government in ‎Myanmar.‎
A delegation by HTA delivered a letter to Embassy of Bangladesh to remind them of ‎their Islamic duty, “And if they seek your assistance in the Deen then you must help ‎them.” [TMQ Al-Anfal 72]. The letter specified to open the borders to our Rohingya ‎brothers and sisters, aid the refugees, and use the strength of their army to deter their ‎oppressors from carrying out further atrocities.‎
Hizb-ut-Tahrir America ‎