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No Difference Between the Crime in New Orleans and the Atrocities Committed by the Zionist Entity in Gaza

The FBI has revealed the identity of the perpetrator of the vehicle ramming attack in New Orleans, USA, which resulted in the deaths and injuries of dozens during New Year’s celebrations. The attacker was identified as a former Army Veteran. Authorities in New Orleans reported 10 fatalities and 30 injuries after a truck plowed into a crowd. U.S. media reported that several individuals lost their lives after the vehicle struck a gathering on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that two “Israelis” were injured in the incident.

At the same time that the Zionist state bombs innocent people in Gaza using American and European weapons, this mentally disturbed criminal committed his crime in New Orleans. While the world remains silent about the crimes of the Zionist entity—crimes that have persisted for over 15 consecutive months and have been falsely labeled as acts of “self-defense”—the so-called “free” world condemns the crime of the deranged soldier who carried out the ramming attack, labeling him a terrorist. If this is not double standards, then what is?

Islam prohibits the killing of innocents, while Western civilization and the Zionist entity permit it. Allah says in the Quran:
Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land—it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one—it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” 5:32

History does not record Muslims ever shedding the blood of innocent people, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Instead, history bears witness to the fact that Muslims have always safeguarded the lives and dignity of others, even during times of war. The instructions given by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to his armies included the following:
Do not cut down trees, do not kill women, children, infants, the elderly, or the sick. Do not mutilate bodies, do not be excessive in killing, do not destroy temples, and do not ruin inhabited buildings. Even camels and cows should not be slaughtered unless for food.

These are the noble values of Muslims even during combat—so imagine their behavior during peace!

In contrast, Western fighters, including the armies of the Zionist entity, have committed countless atrocities. They have killed, starved, and tortured civilians of all ages—children, women, and the elderly. We witness this today in Gaza, as we did previously in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Thus, it is not surprising for an American soldier, steeped in this culture of criminality, to commit such acts. Similarly, it is not surprising for the criminals of the Zionist entity to perpetrate ethnic cleansing massacres, as their entire entity is built on an inhumane and racist ideology.

The culture of killing and brutal abuse practiced by the Zionist entity in the blessed land of Palestine—alongside the unconditional support it receives from the West—goes hand in hand with the culture of supporting tyrants in Islamic lands and killing innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria using Western weaponry. This also includes the creation of mercenary groups like “Blackwater,” “Wagner,” and “ISIS,” which are products of Western intelligence agencies and have no connection to Islam or Muslims. These groups only emerged after the modern Crusader invasion of the Islamic world. Russia’s ties to terrorist groups that committed atrocities in Syria have also been confirmed, while Islam and Muslims remain innocent of all such actions.

The actions of this soldier are reprehensible and condemnable, just as the crimes of the Zionist entity, supported by the West and the U.S., are even more appalling and deserving of condemnation. Muslims, alongside the rest of the world’s people, must stand against the rulers and institutions perpetuating such crimes. They must reject Western civilization, which is built upon bloodshed, and instead propose the great civilization of Islam as a superior alternative for humanity. Islam is the religion of peace, security, and tranquility. Over 14 centuries of Islamic rule across vast parts of the world, the number of deaths caused by Islamic governance is not even a fraction of the lives lost in a single Western war—whether during the First or Second World War.

Let us all embrace Islam as the solution and turn away from a civilization that has brought nothing but suffering and misery to humanity. Allah says:
O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.” 8:24

Hizb ut Tahrir America
Rajab I 1, 1446 AH
January 1, 2025, CE