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I am Against Russia Arresting Muslim Women

Checkout the new campaign by Hizb ut-Tahrir Russia “I am Against Russia Arresting Muslim Women”

A Message from the Campaign:
Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, dear brothers and sisters!

Indeed the honor, blood and property of a Muslim are sacred for another Muslim! We are all one Ummah, and in spite of the difference of our races and skin colors we all are Muslims! Recently, the Russian intelligence agencies have broken into our sisters’s houses, accused them of terrorism and arrested only on the basis of suspected them of affiliation with Hizb ut Tahrir party!

My dear brothers and sisters! The accused Muslim sisters are young mothers with more than one child, they follow the Holy Quran and the Pure Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam!). On the bases of these suspicions they may face long prison sentences, it means a painful parting with family and children, if not to mention the other hardships of imprisonment!

We, the Muslims of Russia, ask you to support, ask you to help in recognizing the whole world about the devilish crimes of the Russian authorities! We ask you to take part in the campaign to support our sisters, spreading a campaign logo to help the arrested sisters and setting it as a profile picture (avatar)! Also do not forget to make dua for our sisters, ask Allah for a speedy relief for all believers around the world!

We ask to spread the information about the crimes of the Russian regime, share it with nearby Imams and Alims of our Ummah, let them tell every believer in the world about what is happening in Russia! And Allah is sufficient for us as the best Patron and the best Helper!

Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuh!