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FBI to Target Muslims for their YouTube Video and Social Media Status Under Guise of Fighting Terror

As the media focused on the unfounded terror threats this past 4th of July weekend the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence approved a measure in the 2016 intelligence authorization bill, which would require social media websites and email services to flag “terrorist activity” for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

According to the Washington Post, the measure would require electronic communication service providers (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to report videos or other content posted by suspected terrorists.  Ask yourself, to the common American “who is a terrorist?” a Muslim kid angry about the ummah being colonized or an angry white guy expressing his desire to gun down a police station or church.

This bill expands the power of law enforcement agencies specifically the FBI to target Muslims in America for crimes based on their “thought” under the guise of “Fighting Terror”.  In the past decade we have witnessed mass shootings in churches, temples, police stations but none of these violent politically motivated acts were labeled as “terrorism”.  Politicians, media, and the FBI have determined the “terrorism” label is only unique to Muslims.  If a white male shoots up a church, temple or police station based on his political thoughts he is regarded as having “mental issues”.

Former US officials who worked for various agencies supporting counter terrorism effort in the past were championing the bill.  The former US officials who are proponents of the bill now serve corporate interest in the private sector. Michael Leiter (former director of the National Counterterrorism Center, now an executive vice president with Leidos, a national security contractor) said “In a core set of cases, when companies are made aware [of terrorist content], there is real value to security, and potentially even to the companies’ reputation”.  Quotes like these shouldn’t come as a surprise to us as the “Counter Terrorism Industrial Complex” is a very lucrative market, as defense cuts continue to impact the DIBS (Defense Industrial Base Sector).

The privatization of intelligence gathering in the beltway has become a very lucrative business.  CACI, Booz Allen Hamilton and other government contractors are collecting and analyzing raw intelligence on behalf of the IC (intelligence community).  Government contractor are eager for this bill to be pushed and passed into law so they can offer their “services” to spy on the American public especially the Muslim community.

These types of law serve the political narrative in Washington of its continuous war against Islam.  The biggest “terrorist” threat that emanates from America is from predominantly Christian white males with a strong political view toward the right. We can say with confidence that when a white male makes a YouTube video holding the confederate flag, burning a cross and ranting his hatred toward African Americans that his video will not be a threat under these laws, but when a Muslim creates a video on YouTube vocalizing his anger towards US foreign policy in the Muslim world his video will be sent to the FBI.

There are videos on YouTube of President Reagan, Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Advisor for Carter) and other government officials praising and encouraging the Mujahedeens of Afghanistan who were fighting the Soviets.  Should YouTube flag this as supporting terror?  These laws serve Washington to promote their political narrative, their ongoing “War against Islam”.