100 Years Of The Balfour Declaration: Separating Palestine & The Muslim Ummah

Join us as we look back at the history of suffering and oppression and how to move forward with a…

The Month of Muharram | Lessons on Justice

We have entered into the new year of 1439 Hijri, with the month of Muharram- the first month of the…

Muslim Family: Tranquility & Security

Assalamu Alaikum, [شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِيَ أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِّنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ فَمَن شَهِدَ مِنكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ…] “The…

A March in Support of Syria

Raise your voice against the oppression and genocide in Syria. Join Hizb ut-Tahrir America for a rally to stand and…

2017 Khilafah Conference

Islam: Our Deen, Our Dignity & the Only Hope for Humanity The Khilafah Conference is part of a global campaign…

Stand Up For Aleppo

Muslims in Chicago stand by their brother and sisters in Syria, particularly in Aleppo, against the tyranny of the Syrian…

Aleppo, Syria Crisis & Solution

Muslims in Chicago stand by their brother and sisters in Syria, particularly in Aleppo, against the tyranny of the Syrian…

Ramadan: a Time for Faith, Fasting & Family

Our blessed month of Ramadan is a sacred time for us to renew our faith in Allah (swt), follow the…

2016 Khilafah Conference

Political Activism is within the core of Islam.   The legacy of the Prophets of Islam from Adam (عليه السلام)…

Struggle for Islam in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a jewel that has been eyed since the time of Alexander the Great.  A tiny land that has resources…