Assault on the Muslim Mind

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‘Assault on the Muslim Mind,’ captured some of the major assaults, historically as well as current ones. He established that the West has been engaged in a new crusade to uproot Islam from the souls of the Muslims, to make Islam irrelevant to life’s affairs and to reduce it to rituals. This assault on the Muslim mind is to secularize it. Furthermore, the Islamophobia is built upon the fear of an Islamic alternative to the current failed politics and governance worldwide. Today, instead of understanding and engaging in discussions related to the ideas and solutions of Islam, they are demonized and labeled as extreme, irrational, and medieval. As a result, the Muslims have become victims of institutionalized secularism without even realizing it. The mixing of secular ideas with the veneer of Islam has had a paralyzing impact on the Muslim mind. Moreover, he empathized that, the assault from within is the biggest impediment to the Revival of the Ummah.