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Ramadhan Message 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Ramadhan has come to you. A month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy, decreases sins and answers prayers. In it, Allah looks at your competition (in good deeds) and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the mercy of Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted.” (Reported by Tabarani)

With the blessed month upon us all, Hizb ut-Tahrir America wishes you and your families – Ramadhan Kareem. InshAllah we are all covered by Allah (SWT) Blessings during this glorious month and recipients of His Mercy.

Ramadhan is the month of fasting, charity, reading the Quran, kindness, patience, and reflection.  It is the month to compete with each over the good deeds as the rewards are multiplied.  It is the month of Laylat ul-Qadr (Night of Power) where worshipping during this night is better than a thousand months.

“Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven, and whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Reported in Bukhari)

It is also the month of unity and victory – where the Muslims were unified and protected under the single political leadership and were granted great victories at Badr, Fathu-Makkah, Al-Andalus, Hiteen and Ain Jaloot.

How we sorely miss this leadership today as we witness the continual assault upon the Muslims and Islam at all levels, across all geographies. Our lands remain divided; we are exposed to attacks and occupation; we suffer poverty, indignity and the exploitation of our resources; we are ruled by oppressive regimes across the Muslim world that do their bidding for the owner of the White House, not the Owner of the Ka’bah (and of creation). We have been left to reduce Islam and indeed the glorious month of Ramadhan to personal rituals, while decadent secular culture dominates our lives, attempts to occupy our minds and redefine our identity, values, life, connection to the ummah and our political aspirations.

Our salvation and political aspiration is only one, which is to return to Islam comprehensively with the re-establishment of the Khilafah Rashidah, upon the Prophetic method.

We ask Allah (SWT) to make this month full of goodness and blessings upon all Muslims, and that by next Ramadhan, the Khilafah Rashidah will be established – Ameen…making Ramadhan once again a month of unity and victory, where the Muslims will have security under its shade, and the world will begin to taste the beauty and mercy of Islam.