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EID Greetings – Hizb ut-Tahrir America

From the Brothers, Sisters and our families – Hizb ut-Tahrir America wish the ummah of Muhammad (saw), the Ummah of the Quran, the Ummah of Haq – wherever you may be –  a joyous Eid Mubarak.

We hope that our acts of obedience and closeness to Allah (swt) during the blessed month have been accepted and that we are energized for what lies ahead for each of us, as individuals, families, communities and as an Ummah.

We ask Allah (swt) to cloak all of us with an Iman that is unshakeable and a strength that is unbreakable.

And as we look to replicate the good actions that we achieved during Ramdhan to continue throughout the year – we do duaa to Allah (swt), the Creator, the Sustainer – that the qualities of Ramadhan being one of unity and victory are qualities we practically witness with the return of the Khilafah, upon the method of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

So as you meet on the joyous day of Eid strengthening family ties, please convey our warmest salams to your loved ones and know that we will always be with you through times of ease and difficulty and we wish only what is best for you and what is best for our beloved Ummah.

Hizb ut-Tahrir America
June 24, 2017