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“Black lives do NOT matter” – America

To quote America, “black lives do not matter”. This is at least what emanates from the Capitalist system of America since its inception. Whether it is slavery, unlawful detainment, and/or horrendous statistics about the prison system one thing is common, unfortunately the commonality has been reduced to the skin color of a human. Capitalist America thrives on this and always has so why would it be any different. In fact the only thing that has changed is the methodology of how the oppression is done whether here or abroad. America has and still is mired in institutional racism. The face of this unfortunately has been the African Americans but it doesn’t stop there. We don’t need to dig deep and understand what this country was built on; this country was built on the genocide of one race, the Native Americans and on the slavery of another race, the African Americans…There blood, sweat and tears.

For far too long African Americans have been at the brunt end of the stick in America. One only has to look at the short history of America and its laws to see the truth. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see pass the “all men are created equal” facade in order to come to the realization of the truth. That is black lives do not matter, neither does any of the other 99%. As long as the so-called Democratic United States continues to spread its evil, Corporatocracy will reign supreme. Police militarization will only increase along with privatization of prisons. Do the math, militarized police + privations of prisons = profits for someone. Its not a hidden agenda per se but this is how Capitalism functions. An elite ends up capitalizing at a loss for someone else.

This double standard and hypocrisy has always emanated from this country, to this day whether it is police killing innocents and not being found guilty of any crime, to African American slaves being counted as 3/5 of a person. The Media is the mouth piece for America, that disproportionately provides bias coverage of events, such as how the victims in these heinous Police killings are portrayed. The latest slayings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile is now another unfortunate example. Same could be said of Tamir Rice, Rekia Boyd, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland and Darrien Hunt just to name a few. We live in a unique time in which people are outraged when a Gorilla is shot to death but offer many excuses for when a Cop kills an African American during a traffic stop.

The United States of America is no model for the rest of the world to follow. Dig beneath the Hollywood projection of its society one sees endemic and institutionalized racism and discrimination. A society that is not only unequal between the whites and the African Americans but a society that preferentially favors the rich over the poor. A country in which it has consolidated its so-called Justice system by making the Police the jury, judge and executioners exclusively for African Americans.