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Turkey’s Western Terrorism Problem

The home of the last seat of the Khilafah has been plagued with terror for the past few months and the situation is getting worse.  Yesterday dozens of people were killed and hundreds wounded at the Istanbul Airport during the blessed month of Ramadan.  We ask Allah SWT to grant Jannah to the killed and give the wounded a speedy recovery.  Allah SWT has clearly stated,  “If anyone killed an innocent person …it would be as if he killed all mankind.”  (Surah al-Maida 5:32)

The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:  “The sanctity of a believer’s blood and property in the sight of Allah is greater than your sanctity (Kaba)!

We must be very cautious on these attacks as the past few months have highlighted how the West have been behind terrorist attacks in Turkey to fulfill their political agenda.  This is nothing new as the US Government through the CIA’s Raymond Davis Network has been caught red handed in Pakistan fueling the insurgency that has killed hundreds of Muslims through bombs and bullets.

Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey began a campaign two months ago in Rajab (April 2016) titled “Get Rid of the Colonialists – End Terror” in response to the bomb attacks that have been terrorizing the people of southeast Turkey.  The campaign was focused to: “expose the true bosses behind the ongoing fights in the southeast, the bomb attacks and the subcontractors who carry out these attacks in Turkey and other lands. We will explain that terror is an ugly style invented by the colonialist West and how they support this so-called terror for their own political interest. We will demonstrate the necessary vital steps the sound solution to end the blood-shed, the migration and the looting of our Ummah’s wealth.”

This campaign was followed up with a high profile open letter to the British and American Embassies titled ”Immediately Leave Our Soils that You Have Terrorized through Nourishing Yourselves with Blood, Chaos and Massacres!”  The open letter emphasizes that the bombings that were taking place in Turkey were conducted by the West to serve their own poltical agendas in the last seat of the Khilafah.  Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey in their letter exposes the West by stating “Your fingerprints are on the bombs that blasted in Suruç, Ankara and Istanbul. You are the masterminds working behind the scenes with those subcontractors whose existence depends on terrorist attacks such as these. You are the possessors of the two-faced politics that utilize terror according to your benefits, support it for your interest, and then make it appear as if you are fighting against it.”

The Khilafah (Caliphate) Rashidah that will be established by the Will of Allah will call you justly to account for your deeds. However, Allah’s (swt) judgement will be fiercer and our Lord only defers it a little bit more.

And definitely do not reckon that Allah is heedless of what the unjust (ones) are doing; surely He only defers them to a Day (when) eyes will glaze over.” [Ibrahim: 42]