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Ankara Blood < Paris Blood

The horrific images of innocent blood being spilled in the streets of Ankara were a talking item for many Muslims after hearing about the tragic news. Muslims were surprised with the lack of reaction compared to when attacks occurred in Paris. After the Charlie Hebdo incident the western world responded with “Je Suis Charlie”, and after the attacks in Paris the Western world responded with #PrayForParis. The Paris attack was followed by a large social media campaign where Facebook encouraged people to change their profile pictures with the transparent French flag in front of their picture.

The 24/7 media used the incidents in France to fill their airwaves with news for the next two weeks, and world leaders arrived in France to march in the streets for a bad photo op that included the butcher of Gaza Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel). Turkey has had high profile attacks for the past few months, but it has not received the sympathy campaign compared to when blood spills in Paris.

The media campaign generated in the West is simple: Western Blood is worth more, holier, precious, loved, and honorable than the blood of a Non Westerner. Many

Muslims and non-Muslim living in the eastern hemisphere have seen the hypocrisy of the media when they see how media reports and engages in campaign when a blood of a Muslims or a Christian Nigerian is spilled.

The west generates this toxic atmosphere to generate this silent notion that the ideas & blood of the west is supreme over the rest of the world, and it uses the media to enforce this. The colonialist mentality has never left them, and they work to ensure the superiority mindset is amongst the western population. When a western country decides to bomb or invade a non-western country the citizens of the western country are numb to it, as they see their civilized government taming people who are “backward” and “savages”.

Even in America from its foundation it ensured this superiority mindset existed within the new republic by stating in the Declaration of Independence of the qualities of Native Americans “the merciless Indian savages”. From 1776 the Americans were thought the original inhabitants of this land were savages, and with the combination of “Manifest Destiny” it helped massacre tens of millions of Native American in North America with no consequences.

Today we are witnessing the epidemic of Police violence against minorities in the inner cities, so when thousands of people are protesting with the slogan #BlackLiveMatter it describes the atmosphere in America. Dividing people into race, and making them sub-human is a product of the west, but in Islam race has no factor in how people are treated both alive and dead.

“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood” [The Last Sermon of the Prophet Muhammad SAW]