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The People Madaya Betrayed by the Muslim Rulers

Eating cats and dog is the only way to survive in Madaya, as the evil forces of Bashar and Hezbollah have sieged the city of 40,000. No one has been spared from this brutality from the infant to the elderly. The treachery against the people of Syria is as open as you get! America, Russia, and Iran continue to support Bashar and his evil methods in the attempt to crush the sincere people of Sham.

What is more humiliating are the nations that surround Syria have done nothing, they conspire with Bashar by allowing him to spread his tyranny in Sham while they sit on their throne doing nothing. During the time of the Prophet SAW, Quraysh established a boycott against Bani Hashim and the Muslims in Mecca. The Messenger’s family and the Sahabahs suffered hunger and deprivation during this dark period. The shameful act by the leaders of Quraysh was so bad that eventually the people of Mecca dissolved the boycott. Suban’Allah even the Mushrikeen that hated the Message of Islam knew the shame of starving their own people but the leaders of Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi, UAE and so on prefer our brothers and sisters starve to death.

“Give to the hypocrites the tidings that there is for them a painful torment. Those who take disbelievers for Auliya’ (protectors or helpers or friends) instead of believers, do they seek honor, power and glory with them? Verily, then to Allah belong all honor, power and glory.” [TMQ 4:138-139]
