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President Obama’s Gun Control Speech

On January 5th, 2016 the US President, Barak Obama, delivered what many say an emotional and personal speech in regards to gun control due to the on going gun violence America is faced with. In his speech he describes his personal feelings when it comes to the killing of kids that died by bullets at Sandy Hook Elementary, Columbine High School, and the shootings at Virginia Tech. Obama said “Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad”. Obama was also seen shedding tears in this emotional address, showing how this issue truly affects him personally.

 The irony is that these are the same crocodile tears coming from a President that has authorized more drone attacks abroad then any other president in areas such as: Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen, that end up killing thousands of civilians including children. The same crocodile tears from a President, that authorized the assassination of a 16-year-old US citizen in Yemen, by a missile from a drone, without any justifiable cause. A reality where the President’s crocodile tears out weigh the blood stains of innocent lives from his own approvals.

Allah says, “And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they say, “We are but reformers.” [TMQ 2:11]